My little gnome says it all...Scrapfest was So (much) FUN! Honestly, if you have never attended
Scrapfest before, you MUST! Every April you can count on an extremely well run show in Kitchener and this September, you can expect a phenomenal show in Richmond Hill! Lisa and her dedicated crew know how to host one amazing event with classes, cropping and of course shopping! That's where we came in. Have a look at our booth!
The Paper Pickle LOVES to bring our style where ever we go! We have never looked like a "typical" scrapbooking store and we never will. Wire racks are always at a minimum and well loved antiques are in abundance! I will admit that set up could be much easier on my sisters and our backs if I opted for lighter displays! Ha.
Krys sampling pickles Friday night! Yes! We HAD The Pickle Station's pickles in the booth! How fitting. We promise to bring more next year! |
This years booth featured everything that I love! I don't know how else to explain it but one customer said, "I don't know what it is, but everything in your both just makes me happy". Ahhh.....not bigger compliment could have been given! Thank you for "getting" me and and my focus! I have to admit not everyone gets what is going on in this head of mine!
This picture is a cool panoramic of the booth. The event takes place in the Kitchener Memorial Complex. We had a great size booth and lots of room to showcase our product and antiques. I loved how our paper lanterns looked in the back drop.
Each year we feature a product or products but ribbon is always a constant in our both. Look how beautiful Jen dressed the mannequin with our new ribbon! I SO want to rock that look!
The Cosmo Cricket Show Toppers were just one of the products we featured this year. They fit on all wide mouth mason jars and have an adorable little hook on the underside of the lid to hang goodies. Check out these gift ideas! Put a little card in the top holder, add a little twine or ribbon and your favourite goodie and you look like a superstar. People will go nuts and shower you with praise at how creative you are!
More booth shots!
So I could never survive the weekend without the help of my loyal crew. Thank goodness for sisters....
and an amazing cousin and aunt! You guys are really the best!!
We also had a great make and take table on Saturday. Debbie showcased our BRAND NEW paper tapes and dies from Little B. We may in fact be one of the very first stores to carry this line. I am so thrilled to introduce you to a company I fell in love with at CHA!
And of course, it is always nice to get home and back to reality. Here is a little note that I found from my 8 year old. She hid it in my bra drawer. Clever little thing. Honestly, I know I have been neglecting you and my family lately but I promise to be more attentive! Life can be challenging at times when you want to take on the world. I must admit that thanks to great friends and family last week, I was able to not only survive but thrive. I am SO happy that the booth made YOU happy. Thanks to all the "Pickle People" who came by to say hello! And thank you to those we see every year at the event. I feel like we are family and I enjoy seeing you! I am one very lucky girl...
Store Hours
Wed-Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 9:30am-3pm