This is Kell posting today, so as you've guessed, STILL NO BABY!!! I am anxiously waiting for some sort of feeling to let me know today is the day, but nothin'. Tomorrow I will be one week over due, which I know is nothing compared to some of you! I've heard some pretty wild stories in the past few weeks!
So I wanted to share a few things that I have

been doing the past few weeks...
The first thing I wanted to share is my belly photo session! Matt and I went to get pregnancy pic's done, and I am SO thrilled! We went to London, to a very talented photographer Cynthia, and here is my absolute favourite picture! I just LOVE the shape of the babe... kinda like a pear in there. You can check out her work at, hopefully we'll see some of my pic's on her site someday! I just booked a newborn session for December 1st... I can't wait!!!
Ok, so now I need some advice of what to do to get this baby moving. I thought I'd tell you what I have tried in the past week, and then you can tell me what I am missing?
Here we go, I have...
- been drinking Raspberry leaf tea every day
- been walking 30- 45 minutes most days
- ate pineapple many days (I just learned of this last weekend?)
- cleaned EVERY room in my entire house (do I ever have a happy husband!)
- organized all my kitchen cupboards, including my Tupperware cupboard! (I know I said to some of you at the open house, that is probably what I would have to do to have the baby... well that didn't work, I did that last Saturday night!)
- washed the kitchen cupboards inside and out!
- scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors on my hands and knees
- made plans and went to the craft show on Sunday with Kim and the kiddies
- made more plans, and had and amazing dinner at Chef's Table to celebrate or 3rd anniversary.
- been creating... you'll see the advent calendar I made below, which I have been wanting to make for weeks!
- put up all of my Christmas decorations yesterday
- packed and re-packed my hospital waaaaay too many times!
- bounced on my exercise ball
- had naps some days
- didn't naps some days
- worked at the store some days
- worked at home most days
- got all of my thank you cards out from my baby shower
- made a playlist of music for the hospital
- went shopping out of town (well, it was only 15 minutes away to Blenheim, but still, out of Chatham)
- (I think) we finally finalized a girls name... boy has been set for a long time.
So my list of things to do before the baby comes has grown and grown as I wait. All I have left on my list is this (to post a baby update) and put batteries in all of the babe's things. Any suggestions of anything I haven't thought of?
But good news, if I don't go in this weekend, I will be induced on Tuesday, so hopefully by Wednesday there will definitely be a baby!!!

With a clean, organized craft room, I am so inspired to create right now!
Like I said above, I made an advent calendar this week. The basic box itself is from Karen Foster, it just comes plain white, and then you get to decorate it however you want! How fun would this be for kids for a Birthday, or Easter, or end of the school year countdown? It's endless all of the things you can countdown! Or why not even a little reward box rather than a countdown?